What is Community Engagement at the Kitchen Table?
Oregon’s Kitchen Table creates community engagement opportunities to allow Oregonians to influence the decisions that impact their lives. We believe in offering many different ways for people to participate in these decisions, from activities that require little time or effort to activities that invite people to come together over longer periods of time and deliberate with one another. We also believe that no one way of participation is better or more important than another.
Here are examples of some of the ways we have involved Oregonians in the decisions that impact them:
- Community conversations: we host conversations - always with food if we are gathering in person! - open to any member of the community where the project is taking place. These are discussion-based and aimed at allowing people to hear from each other as well as for decision makers and OKT to hear from people.
- Culturally and linguistically specific community conversations: we work with community organizers and partners to invite people to gather and share in the spaces and languages in which they are most comfortable.
- Culturally specific activities: OKT community organizers gather input from members of their communities in the ways that work best for them. Some examples are: A parents group that regularly meets to talk about their children’s education. A trivia night for Slavic community members. A sewing circle for Somali mothers. A Zumba class attended by Spanish speaking adults.
- Survey tools: For some people, answering a set of questions about the topic or decision via an online survey they can complete at a time and place convenient to them in 10 minutes works best. For others, filling out a paper survey at the weekly lunch they attend at their local senior center is most convenient.
- Games, art, or craft activities: We often employ some kind of game, art, or craft activity to spark conversation or allow people to contribute their ideas in a more playful way. We’ve used these activities to engage youth as well as adults.
- Tabling at cultural and community festivals, events, and fairs: We set up tables with activities and opportunities to give input. We’ve conducted one-on-one or small group conversations, brief surveys, and storytelling.
Decision makers and public managers have turned to Oregon’s Kitchen Table to gather input at the state, local and regional levels on a range of topics, including state budgeting priorities, county budgeting, kindergarten readiness, school boundaries, regional economic development priorities, and natural resource management.
To make sure you hear about upcoming opportunities, join our mailing list.
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Current Engagement
Nutrient Management and Water Quality in Oregon
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) works to protect water from pollutants that come from many sources. “Nutrients” are found in soils and other places and help plants grow, but when too many nutrients get into our water they can make drinking water unsafe for drinking and can make rivers and lakes unpleasant or unsafe.
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Past Engagement
Baker County Health Care
In 2023, St. Alphonsus Hospital ended acute care services at St. Alphonsus Hospital. This includes its Intensive Care Unit and Baker City birthing center. Now, Baker County officials and other community leaders are considering possible ideas for providing health care and public health services.
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Past Engagement
Birth Through Five Literacy Plan
In 2023 the Oregon Legislature passed a bill called the Early Literacy Success Initiative. This law directed the Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) to develop a Birth Through Five Literacy Plan. The plan will offer ways for partners, program staff, and community groups to support families to help children ages birth through five develop language, early writing, and listening skills.
Previous Engagements

August 2017
Gilliam County Housing Opportunities
In spring 2017, a group of community members from Arlington and Condon in Gilliam County created a collaborative workgroup to help create strategies to improve housing options in Gilliam.
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July 2017
Grant County - John Day Future Vision
A team of community leaders from John Day and throughout Grant County, in partnership with Oregon’s Kitchen Table (OKT), conducted an online consultation in June 2017 to engage residents of, business owners in, and visitors to John Day to weigh in on possible strategies to help make John Day and all of Grant County as economically strong and vibrant as possible.
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November 2016
Meyer Memorial Trust Equitable Education
During the spring and summer of 2016 Meyer Memorial Trust (Meyer), the largest private foundation in Oregon, partnered with Oregon’s Kitchen Table to conduct an online consultation and a series of regional listening sessions to engage Oregonians from across the state to assist Meyer in developing investment strategies for increasing educational equity in Oregon.
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October 2016
Team Mosier Public Workshop
On June 3, 2016, a 96-car train carrying nearly three million gallons of Bakken Crude Oil derailed in downtown Mosier, Oregon. After the immediate emergency response and basic clean up, the City, the Fire District, and the School Foundation came together to form Team Mosier.
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May 2016
City of Portland - Portland Harbor Superfund Cleanup
The City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services (the City), in partnership with Oregon’s Kitchen Table (OKT), conducted an online consultation with Portland residents in March 2016 to better understand their opinions and values regarding cleanup of the Portland Harbor Superfund site in the Willamette River north of downtown Portland.
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December 2015
South Wasco County Parks and Recreation District Survey
From October 26th – December 7th, the South Wasco County Alliance, Rural Fire Foundation, Wamic Boating Access Improvement Committee and Wasco County invited individuals who recreate, live, or own property in South Wasco County to give input on recreation in the region.
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July 2015
Josephine Community Libraries
Josephine Community Libraries conducted an online consultation with Josephine County residents in June 2015 to better understand their opinions and values on updating the libraries’ children’s spaces, including materials, furnishings and setting.
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June 2015
Portland Public Schools 2025
From April to mid-May, Portland Public Schools (PPS) invited staff, students, parents and the wider district population over the age of 13 to participate in the PPS 2025 survey using both online and paper versions. A total of 4,099 respondents took part in the survey.
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May 2015
Portland Public Schools Successful Schools Survey Results
In winter 2015, Portland Public Schools (PPS) surveyed parents and guardians of PPS students across the district; a total of 6,074 parents and guardians completed the survey. PPS developed an outreach campaign to reach the greatest number of parents.
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February 2015
Early Learning Kindergarten Assessment Results
In December 2014, the Oregon Department of Education in partnership with Oregon’s Kitchen Table conducted an online consultation with key stakeholders across the state of Oregon.
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October 2013
Economic and Community Development State Service Alignment
In an October 2013 consultation, the State of Oregon invited members of Oregon's Kitchen Table to identify barriers to better alignment of local and state programs and then asked you to envision a new system.
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August 2013
Build Gateway Green Consultation
During the summer of 2013 the Friends of Gateway Green asked for public input and support to help turn an overlooked parcel of land in East Portland into a vibrant, off-road bike park in a gateway to the region. Residents from the Portland metro area took their seats at the Kitchen Table to weigh in on design features.
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