Past Engagement

Fall 2024
In 2023, St. Alphonsus, the hospital serving Baker County, closed its intensive care unit (ICU) followed by its birthing center. Both these closures led to many discussions throughout the county about how to address acute and other healthcare service needs. In the following months, Baker County worked with Valentine Health Advisers to conduct a situation assessment of hospital-based services in Baker County. Valentine Health Advisers’ report to Baker County offered a set of potential approaches to consider for meeting health care needs in the county. The report also recommended a broader community engagement process to understand what healthcare related needs residents of Baker County have as well as what they would like to see for the future of healthcare services in the county.
The Baker County Health Department partnered with Oregon’s Kitchen Table last summer and fall to hear from more community members about what they need and want for healthcare services and what they thought about the potential approaches offered in the situation assessment. Nearly 500 people participated in different engagement activities between July and November 2024. Throughout this process, we heard from many Baker County residents who care deeply about the wellbeing of Baker County and its residents. This input will help Baker County and other entities involved in health care in the county to make decisions about options for providing healthcare services.