Past Engagement
May 2016
The City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services (the City), in partnership with Oregon’s Kitchen Table (OKT), conducted an online consultation with Portland residents in March 2016 to better understand their opinions and values regarding cleanup of the Portland Harbor Superfund site in the Willamette River north of downtown Portland. Once the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces its preferred cleanup plan, there will be a 60 day comment period where any member of the public has the opportunity to provide comments to EPA about the proposed plan. The City of Portland sought feedback from Portlanders to help inform the City’s preparation of comments to the EPA. The OKT consultation provided some background and asked a series of questions about Portlanders’ values and priorities regarding the river and the cleanup.
A total of 2,704 residents (including 67 via paper) responded to the survey. In addition, the International Refugee Center of Oregon (IRCO) provided OKT with summaries from three culturally specific community discussions with members of the Slavic community, the Asian / Pacific Islander community, and the community of African immigrants and refugees. A summary of these discussions is included as an appendix to this report.