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Integrated Water Resources Strategy 2023 Community Engagement

In Oregon we have a plan for our water: the Integrated Water Resources Strategy.  This Strategy helps us understand what water we have available in Oregon and what we need for people, plants, animals, and the land. The Strategy (or IWRS) is updated every five years. In spring 2023 the Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) and 13 other state agencies worked with Oregon’s Kitchen Table to hear what Oregonians want to see in the update to the 2017 Strategy.  

The goals of the community engagement process conducted by OKT was twofold: 1. to hear from people throughout Oregon about what matters most to them related to how state agencies understand and meet Oregon’s different water needs; and 2. to hear from Oregonians who have not traditionally been included in statewide conversations about water.  Over the course of two months, we heard from around 1900 people around Oregon through online and paper surveys, formal Regional Community Conversations, self-organized community conversations, and culturally specific community organizing activities. 

Across the different forms of engagement, people responded to questions and held conversations about:

  • What are your major water issues/concerns (both now and in the future)?
  • What are some ideas for solving these issues/concerns?
  • How can OWRD and other state agencies better work with your community going forward on water issues?

Read the full report to OWRD and partner agencies and a summary of what we heard in 8 languages below. 


PDF icon Summary of Findings PDF icon Full OKT Report on IWRS Community Engagement PDF icon Enlaces Comunitarios Estrategia Integrada sobre Recursos del Agua del estado de Oregón (Resumen) PDF icon 有关俄勒冈州综合水资源战略的社区参与 PDF icon Взаємодія зі спільнотою з приводу комплексної стратегії щодо водних ресурсів PDF icon Community Engagement ren Oregon’s Integrated Water Resources Strategy PDF icon Участие общественности в разработке интегрированной стратегии в отношении водных ресурсов в штате Орегон PDF icon - المشاركة المجتمعية في إستراتيجية موارد المياه المتكاملة في ولاية أوريغون PDF icon Ka qayb galinta Bulshada ee Istiraatijiyada Ilaha Biyaha ee Isku dhafan ee Oregon PDF icon Sự tham gia của Cộng đồng vào Chiến lược Tổng hợp Tài nguyên Nước của Oregon