Oregon's Water Strategy

Oregon's Water Strategy

In Oregon we have a plan for our water: the Integrated Water Resources Strategy.  This Strategy helps us understand what water we have available in Oregon and what we need for people, plants, animals, and the land. Now it’s time to update that plan. The Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) and 13 other state agencies are working with Oregon’s Kitchen Table (OKT) to hear what Oregonians want to see in the update to the Strategy.  Starting May 11th, anyone who lives in Oregon can share what they think in different ways:

  • Online survey in 9 languages - https://consultations.oregonskitchentable.org/
  • Working with community organizers and partners to hold culturally specific engagement activities
  • 7 Regional Community conversations and 1 Virtual Conversation - Learn more at https://bit.ly/water-conversations
  • Oregonians can also host their own conversation with their family, friends and neighbors.  Download the Kitchen Table Conversation guide to organize your own conversation and get the input to OKT.