Closing out 2014 – from one Oregonian to another

We’ve had a busy past few months at Oregon’s Kitchen Table, preparing for a number of statewide and local consultations in 2015 (the Successful Schools Climate Survey for Portland Public Schools families and a statewide consultation on poverty and prosperity in Oregon) and working on some new developments here that we’re very excited to share with you all soon.  Stay tuned.

In the meantime, if you’re an early learning provider or advocate, K-12 teacher or administrator, or other early learning resource, the State’s Early Learning Division wants to hear from you! Share your thoughts about how to communicate and use the data from the Kindergarten Assessment.

Para la encuesta en español, haz clic aquí: Encuesta sobre la evaluación de kinder de Oregon

Envíe por correo la encuesta completa a más tardar el 30 de diciembre a la siguiente dirección:

Oregon’s Kitchen Table
506 SW Mill St., Urban Center 720
P.O. Box 751, Portland, OR 97201

O escanear y enviar el formulario completo a

And, as 2014 draws to an end and we prepare to start 2015, we want to share with you another way to engage with fellow Oregonians – Oregonian to Oregonian giving. Check out some of these stories of Oregonians and consider helping another Oregonian leverage funds to help their small business prosper this holiday!

Wishing all you Oregonians a Happy New Year!