Meet the Helix Team from The Hatfield Futures Project!
Brinley Curtiss, Victoria Morris, Caiden Boatright, MayaBella Texidor (Griswold High School, Helix)
What do you love about where you live?
We love how small our community is. We love how pretty our town of 300 is. We have great sunsets.
What are you most excited about for your Hatfield Futures proposal?
We are excited to interview the local farmers around us and get their input. We are excited to see if our proposal ends up having impact and to see other team's proposals.
What is one surprising fact about each of you?
- Maya - I have 6 brothers.
- Caiden - I had my appendix removed when I was 8.
- Brinley - I travel a lot.
- Vicky - I've never broken any bones.
- Jen - I know how to run from an alligator and I swam with a manta ray.