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Cross Regional 2024 Hatfield Futures Team

Meet the Cross Regional Team from the Hatfield Futures Project!

Names: Sydney Taylor (West Linn High School), Jupiter (Kiyanna) Nickles (Liberty High School), Nahomy Garcia Delgado (Astoria High School), Belinda Contreras (Astoria High School), Thomas Tersigni (Pioneer Heritage High School)

What are you most excited about for The Hatfield Futures Project?

  • Sydney

    I am most excited to work with so many amazing young people towards improving Oregon’s legislation in a meaningful and positive way!

  • Jupiter

    To have a chance to help shape the future

  • Nahomy

    Getting to make new connections

  • Belinda

    Being able to meet other passionate students!!

  • Thomas: To present my idea

What is one thing you love about Oregon or about your community in Oregon?

  • Sydney: I love our amazing environment, the biodiversity of both our coastal areas and forests is beautiful. I love the way that people take pride in our state and care deeply for the natural world around them!
  • Jupiter

     The weather! As a natural Oregonian I love the rain

  • Nahomy

     I love all the nature and colors

  • Belinda

     I LOVE THE RAIN and the beautiful sunrises and sunsets!!

  • Thomas: Everyone is very nice