From 2013 to 2018, Oregon’s Kitchen Table hosted a series of civic crowdfunds on its own crowdfunding platform. We wanted to offer a way for Oregonians to invest in the public projects communities care about all over the state. We partnered with seven organizations to raise funds for eight projects that served communities of different types, sizes, and interests. Together, we raised over $775,000 for:
Gateway Green and Dirtlab @ Gateway Green
A hidden treasure sits in East Portland: 38 acres of unused, partially wooded land in a part of our region that needs open, green space for recreation. After years of grassroots support and partnerships with local, regional, and state governments, as well as the private and non-profit sectors, community members transformed this asset into Gateway Green, a multi-use off road bike park that enhances this exciting, vibrant part of the city. A community crowdfunded project to develop mountain biking and hiking trails at Gateway Green, while improving environmental quality at the park and encouraging civic and economic revitalization in East Portland.
Oregon’s World War II Memorial
A group of Oregonians came together to complete Oregon’s World War II Memorial at the Capitol in Salem. The Memorial is a gateway for sharing and commemorating the many different stories and experiences of Oregonians from home and abroad during World War II.
Josephine Community Libraries: First Chapters
As the library system in Josephine County operated as a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization relying on donations and volunteers to keep the doors open, community members came together to update two branches’’ childrens’ libraries. Community members crowdfunded new books, shelves children can reach and furniture their size, and space for storytimes, programs, and reading activities for the whole family.
Vanport Mosaic
Vanport was Oregon’s second largest city during World War II when shipyard workers lived there and raised their families, including thousands of African Americans. At its peak, it was home to 40,000 people, including 6,000 African Americans, three times as many as had lived in all of Portland two years before. It was one of the first integrated communities in North America and its largest wartime public housing project. Vanport Mosaic crowdfunded two free workshops for community members to learn the process of oral history, interviewing skills, and media production in order to help preserve the important stories of former Vanport residents.
Footbridge Over Burnside
For too long the iconic Wildwood Trail in Portland’s Forest Park included a dangerous street crossing and interruption at West Burnside Street. The Portland Parks Foundation partnered with OKT to host a civic crowdfund as part of its efforts to build the Footbridge Over Burnside, a pedestrian footbridge that connects the north and south sides of the Wildwood Trail as it crosses Burnside. The Footbridge now provides an uninterrupted recreational experience for runners and hikers - a truly unified experience in nature right in the heart of Portland.
Leach Treewalk
For decades Leach Botanical Garden has been an enchanting refuge in East Portland. This crowdfund gave community members a chance to be part of a major expansion at the Garden and transform a one-of-a-kind garden retreat into a more accessible and exciting community resource. The centerpiece of the expansion is a treewalk - 30 feet off the ground - giving visitors of all ages and abilities the chance to experience a truly unique urban garden and forest.
Be There for The Gorge
The trails around Multnomah Falls, Angel's Rest, and Wahkeena Falls are dear to Oregonians and to visitors from around the world. In 2017 the Eagle Creek fire in the Gorge engulfed the surrounding areas and closed down these beloved trails. Alongside the efforts of many volunteers and organizations, this crowdfund helped to support restoration work for the trails to re-open to the public.